Three out of five in Hartlepool are now double jabbed

A coronavirus jabA coronavirus jab
A coronavirus jab
Three out of five people in Hartlepool have received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine, figures reveal.

NHS data shows 44,325 people in the area had received both jabs by June 13 – 59% of the adult population.

Of those to have received both jabs, 41,838 were aged over 30 – which represents 69% of the age group.

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The figures also show that 2,478 people aged between 16 to 29 have also received both doses.

Across Hartlepool 74% of over 16s have had one jab.

The NHS vaccine data also reveals an area by area variation in coverage for residents in the area who had received at least one dose.

The areas with the highest coverage are The Fens, Elwick and Hart, where 87.8% of people aged 16 and over have been given their first dose.

This is followed by Wooler Road on 84.4% and Seaton Carew at 83.2%.

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The areas with the lowest coverage are Harbour and Victoria (59.7%), Old Town and Grange (63%) and Foggy Furze (65.2%).

Across England, the figures show 25.3 million people had received a second dose of the jab by June 13 – 56% of the adult population.

In total, 34.7 million people had received at least one dose of a vaccine by the same date - 76% of people over 16.

The figures were published as new data showed the Delta variant of the virus had driven a 79% rise in coronavirus cases nationally.

Dr Jenny Harries, chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency, said the increase is among younger people, many of whom have now been invited for a vaccination.