Hartlepool hospital chief's organ donation plea

Kevin RobinsonKevin Robinson
Kevin Robinson
Hospital bosses in Hartlepool are urging people to “have a conversation” with relatives about their organ donation wishes.

The appeal by North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust comes in the run up to Organ Donation Week from September 20 to 26.

The trust says that, during the last year, three selfless organ donors who sadly died under its care have helped 11 others to live.

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Kevin Robinson, chair of the trust’s organ donation committee, said: “Organ donors are heroes. It’s that simple.

“Thanks to these three selfless and compassionate people, 11 others, each one a complete stranger, didn’t die.”

He added: “Everyone needs to discuss organ donation with their loved ones to make sure their wishes are carried out in the event of their death.

"It’s not an easy conversation to have, but it’s vital.”

The theme of this year’s national Organ Donation Week is Leave Them Certain.

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While the law now follows a presumed consent to be placed on the organ donor register, permission is still required from the next of kin should a deceased person’s organs be viable for donation.

Janine Tate, specialist organ donation nurse, said: “Your loved ones will always be consulted before organ donation goes ahead, so they need to know what you want after your death.”

“Please don’t delay, lives are depending on it. Speak to your family about organ donation and leave them certain.”

To find out more and register your decision, visit the NHS Organ Donor Register at www.organdonation.nhs.uk and share your decision with your family.

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