One in four Hartlepool kids have dental problems

Child dental care fears.Child dental care fears.
Child dental care fears.
A quarter of young children in Hartlepool could have enamel decay or more serious teeth problems, new figures suggest.

Dental health experts say the data shows a link between levels of tooth decay in children and deprivation – which is widening compared to better off areas – and accused ministers of being ‘asleep at the wheel’.

Data from the National Dental Epidemiology Programme (NDEP) shows that only 284 of the 1,055 five-year-olds in the are (26.9%) had their teeth examined in the 2021-22 school year – despite all children under 18 being exempt from dental charges.

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Of those, 24.7% had enamel decay and 21% had more serious dentinal decay.

Experts say preventative measures can halt enamel decay from progressing to dentinal decay.

Eddie Crouch, British Dental Association chairman, said there has been no action to break the link between decay and deprivations.

He said: “Whether it’s providing access to basic care, rolling out tried and tested programmes in schools, or fluoridating water, our youngest patients require deeds not words.”

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Across England, over 62,600 children were included in the analysis – with 29.3% being found to have enamel decay and 23.7% dentinal decay.

The NDEP report said: “The cause of dental decay is related to the frequent fermentable carbohydrates, most commonly through eating and drinking sugary snacks and drinks."

It noted that, while inequalities in those with tooth decay fell from 2008 to 2015, there have been no further reductions since then.

David Fothergill, chairman of the Local Government Association’s community wellbeing board, said: “The Government should recommit to vital measures to combat childhood obesity and diet-related ill health, such as the sugar levy which has helped cut down the consumption of drinks with high sugar content.”

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A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said the number of children seen by NHS dentists increased by 43.6% in the last year.

They added: “We know tooth decay is often linked to deprivation and we are taking action to provide cost of living support."

They also said the number of dentists increased by over 500 last year and the Government is investing more than £3bn in NHS dentistry.