Pharmacy opening times and how to use urgent care and accident and emergency services in Hartlepool over New Year

Health chiefs are urging patients not to overburden emergency servicesHealth chiefs are urging patients not to overburden emergency services
Health chiefs are urging patients not to overburden emergency services
Everyone is looking forward to a Happy New Year – but if the worst happens where can you get help in Hartlepool over the Bank Holiday?

With services likely to be stretched, health bosses are urging patients not to waste precious resources.

Helen Ray, Chief Executive of North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust and Co-Chair of the North East and North Cumbria Urgent and Emergency Care Network, said: “We really want people to think about how they are using our precious NHS resources.

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“This is a really busy time of year for us and staff across all parts of the NHS are working incredibly hard so it’s important that we all take responsibility for our actions.”

What can I do to help?

Visit or call 111 for urgent medical advice before turning up to any frontline services.

Don’t call an ambulance or attend accident and emergency departments or urgent care centres unless you have to.

Extra GP appointments will be available on evenings, weekends and bank holidays. Contact your surgery for help.

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Many common winter illnesses can be safely treated with over the counter medication and advice from a pharmacist. See below for which pharmacies are open on New Year’s Day and when.

What if I DO need emergency treatment?

Call 999 as usual in the event of a genuine emergency if you need an ambulance.

If the patient is mobile, the accident and emergency departments at University Hospital Of North Tees in Hardwick Road, Stockton, and James Cook University Hospital in Marton Road, Middlesbrough, will be open around the clock on both Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

What if I need urgent – but not emergency – treatment?

The urgent care centres at University Hospital Of Hartlepool in Holdforth Road and Peterlee Community Hospital in O'Neill Drive will be open all day for treatment of minor illnesses and injuries that cannot wait until a GP is available.

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Which pharmacies are available and when on New Year’s Day in and around Hartlepool?

Asda, Surtees Road, Peterlee, 10am-5pm.

Asda, Marina Way, 10am-5pm.

Boots, Marina Way, 10.30am-4.30pm.

Middle Warren Pharmacy, Mulberry Rise, 4pm-6pm.