Sweet thanks for health teams caring for Hartlepool

Left to right: Mandy Carter, Lauren Pearce, Nicole Good, Lisa Tomlinson. They are all clinical staff who helped in emergency care during the pandemic.Left to right: Mandy Carter, Lauren Pearce, Nicole Good, Lisa Tomlinson. They are all clinical staff who helped in emergency care during the pandemic.
Left to right: Mandy Carter, Lauren Pearce, Nicole Good, Lisa Tomlinson. They are all clinical staff who helped in emergency care during the pandemic.
An emergency medicine expert has thanked workers whose support was invaluable during the pandemic.

Mr Kay Adeboye, a consultant in emergency medicine at North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust, penned the note.

In it, he thanked people who worked to ensure that the accident and emergency team at the North Tees site could still function for those who need to access emergency care.

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As the pandemic took hold, many health care organisations had to change their normal ways of working with everything from staff redeployment to reshaping the logistics of entire hospital sites affected.

As well as delivering the note of thanks, Mr Adeboye and other colleagues from the A&E team visited the staff that worked so hard to support them to deliver home baked cakes back in their own departments.

Speaking about the sweet delivery, Mr Adeboye said: “Our Trust is all about community and support. There was no consideration of where and when we might have been asked to step in to support – we all wanted to do all we could.

“The North Tees and Hartlepool teams are like a family. Our strength is in each other, and our positive culture. How lovely to be thanked and recognised so personally’.

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The letter from Mr Kay Adeboye said: “This is to express our sincere appreciation to all you wonderful friends who have supported us running two A&E departments, and also to our own staff of all grades who have been exceptional during these challenging times.”

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