Drug arrests in Hartlepool area after busy shift for police special operations unit

It was a busy shift for the Cleveland and Durham RPUIt was a busy shift for the Cleveland and Durham RPU
It was a busy shift for the Cleveland and Durham RPU
A man and woman were arrested on drug offences and a third was given a caution after being stopped by officers from a special police operations unit.

Cleveland and Durham Roads Policing Unit (RPU) arrested a woman in Hartlepool on suspicion of possession of Class A and C drugs.

In a separate incident, a suspected drug driver in Billingham was stopped by a patrol in Low Grange.

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Police said the driver admitted to having no licence or insurance.

A spokesman said: "Failing the roadside drugs wipe, he was taken to custody and provided a sample of blood for forensic analysis. He was also found to be in possession of a small bag of white powder and was arrested on suspicion of possession of class A too."

Another man was also dealt with for drugs offences by patrols. Police said he was stopped in Wolviston and found to be in possession of cannabis. He was dealt with at the roadside by means of a cannabis caution.

Officers from the team said there were a number of other incidents on their patch.

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The spokesman said; "Following an sighting of a suspected stolen vehicle, officers stopped a vehicle in Port Clarence. The driver was arrested on suspicion of TWOC, drug driving, having no licence and no insurance. The passenger was also arrested on suspicion of TWOC, as well as possession of class B drugs.

"The blue van was stopped in Stockton after being linked to a theft in the Durham area. Once stopped, the stolen property was recovered within. It seems that Red Bull might give you wings, but not the power to evade us.

"Male arrested on suspicion of theft and remains in custody this evening whilst enquiries are on going.

"We have also dealt with several drivers for not wearing their seat belts and using mobile phones whilst driving."