Former Hartlepool taxi driver jailed for 21 years for sex assaults on young girls

Neville Crouch, who worked as a taxi driver in Hartlepool, will serve a minimum of 21 years behind bars.Neville Crouch, who worked as a taxi driver in Hartlepool, will serve a minimum of 21 years behind bars.
Neville Crouch, who worked as a taxi driver in Hartlepool, will serve a minimum of 21 years behind bars.
A former Hartlepool taxi driver has been jailed for a minimum of 21 years after being brought to justice for sex attacks on three young girls.

Neville Crouch, 63, “ruthlessly took advantage” of the victims in Hartlepool and West Sussex, say police.

He was convicted of sexual offences after a trial at Hove Crown Court in December last year and was sentenced on Tuesday, March 3.

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The court heard that Crouch abused two girls while he was living in Hartlepool, and a third on the south coast.

He will have to serve at least 21 years in custody plus a further five years on extended prison licence on his eventual release.

Crouch, now of Plungington Road, Preston, Lancashire, will also be on the Sex Offenders Register for life.

Police have welcomed the sentence given by the court.

Detectives from West Sussex Police’s Safeguarding Investigations Unit launched an investigation when they were contacted by one of Crouch’s victims in 2017 after they had suffered in silence for years.

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Detective Constable Andrew Roe praised the bravery of the victims for coming forward and giving evidence against Crouch, and said it showed police would take action regardless of how long ago a crime took place.

He said Crouch, who lived and worked as a taxi driver in both Hartlepool and Littlehampton, ‘ruthlessly took advantage of them for his own sexual gratification’.

Det Con Roe, of West Sussex Police, added: “We immediately began enquiries and traced the other two victims. We ensured that they had access to expert personal support and advice, and all three supported our investigation throughout and resolutely gave evidence at Crouch's trial, for which they have our admiration.

“This is another example of the way in which, working with the CPS, we will always follow up such reports no matter how long ago the events were, and seek justice wherever the evidence will enable us to do so.”

Victims can report offences by calling police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.