Hartlepool teenager spared jail after fracturing victim’s eye socket in fight

Teesside Crown Court in Middlesbrough.Teesside Crown Court in Middlesbrough.
Teesside Crown Court in Middlesbrough.
A Hartlepool teenager who fractured someone’s eye socket during a fight has been spared jail.

Ryan Longdon, 18, hit the male with such force that he needed two bouts of surgery and a metal plate inserted, Teesside Crown Court heard.

Teesside’s most senior judge Paul Watson said the incident on July 31 of last year arose out of ‘something of nothing’.

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But prosecutor Ian West said the consequences for the victim were serious.

It is not known how long he will have to have the plate for and he was left with some scarring to his face.

Longdon, of Stockton Road, Hartlepool, admitted what he had done when he was questioned by police and pleaded guilty in court to inflicting grievous bodily harm.

But he was given a suspended sentence after the court heard he had never been in trouble before and had no prior record.

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In mitigation Stephen Constantine, defending, said there was no chance of Longdon appearing before the court again.

Judge Watson told him: “You’ve never been in trouble before and you got involved in this fight with [the victim] which was really something of nothing.

"You hit him with such force as to cause a very serious fracture to his eye requiring surgical treatment and a plate inserted.

"I take the view this can only be met with a custodial sentence.”

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Longdon was given eight months prison suspended for 12 months and ordered to pay £1,000 compensation to the victim.

He must also complete 180 hours of unpaid work.

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