Man had knife in Hartlepool street disturbance

The case was heard at Teesside Crown Court. The case was heard at Teesside Crown Court.
The case was heard at Teesside Crown Court.
A man had a knife during a street disturbance that mirrored an incident two and a half years ago, a court was told.

Sean Carroll, 30, could now face a restraining order, a judge told him at Teesside Crown Court

Carroll, who appeared over a videolink from Durham Prison, was arrested after targeting a man’s house in Frederick Street, Hartlepool, on September 6.

His barrister Paul Cleasby applied for pre-sentence report.

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Judge Stephen Ashurst told Carroll that the Crown Prosecution Service needed time to consider whether to apply for a restraining order.

The judge said: ”There was a similar incident involving harassment, breach of a restraining order two and a half years ago.

”I am not making any promises as to what sentence you will get but it will help and you have got credit in the bag for that.”

His barrister Paul Cleasby applied for a pre-sentence report.

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Carroll, of Firby Close, Hartlepool, pleaded guilty to having a bladed article a knife in Frederick Street on September 6, and also to affray and damaging a window at the man’s address on the street.

The case was adjourned until October 28 and he was further remanded in custody.