Victims of Hartlepool cowboy builder speak out to warn others after spending £46,000 for this 'trail of destruction'

Builder Jamie Thompson left a 'trail of destruction' after his work on the unfinished extension intended for Julie Briggs' parents Brian and Ann Stothard.Builder Jamie Thompson left a 'trail of destruction' after his work on the unfinished extension intended for Julie Briggs' parents Brian and Ann Stothard.
Builder Jamie Thompson left a 'trail of destruction' after his work on the unfinished extension intended for Julie Briggs' parents Brian and Ann Stothard.
A couple who lost more than £46,000 after employing a dishonest Hartlepool builder have spoken out as a warning to others.

Husband and wife Kel and Julie Briggs employed Jamie Thompson to build an extension to their Billingham home so Mrs Briggs’ elderly parents Brian and Ann Stothard could go and live with them.

But Thompson, who was in the process of splitting up from his wife, overcharged for the work, lied about arranging planning permission, and left never to return when Trading Standards got involved.

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Teesside Crown Court heard he spent the money on drink, drugs and paying mortgages on four properties he had.

Thompson's work was to a basic standard and was left unfinished despite receiving over £46,000 from the victims.Thompson's work was to a basic standard and was left unfinished despite receiving over £46,000 from the victims.
Thompson's work was to a basic standard and was left unfinished despite receiving over £46,000 from the victims.

Julie says she has been left feeling humiliated and not knowing who to trust following the nightmare.

She said: “For the customer it is extremely difficult to find out who they are as they do not have to provide any documentation or qualifications and most of them use the basis of recommendation.

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"Jamie did in fact come recommended to us. At the time, unfortunately we were the last in line of a catastrophic decline in Jamie’s morals and desperation.”

Julie Briggs' parents Brian and Ann Stothard had hoped to move into the new extension but have not been able to.Julie Briggs' parents Brian and Ann Stothard had hoped to move into the new extension but have not been able to.
Julie Briggs' parents Brian and Ann Stothard had hoped to move into the new extension but have not been able to.

The couple were left without a bathroom for two months due to Thompson’s poor work and tardiness and had to use their remaining savings to finish it after he disappeared.

When they went to his home to speak to him, he hid behind a sofa.

Julie described the condition their home has been left in as ‘a trail of destruction’ adding: “One of the worst feelings throughout this experience is guilt and humiliation.

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"I feel stupid that I was taken in by this man. I feel like I have let my family down by allowing this to happen and causing my family such heartache.

Inside the unfinished extension.Inside the unfinished extension.
Inside the unfinished extension.

"My parents and Kel and I have been left financially devastated by this man, after pooling all of savings into this venture.

“This was to be a forever home for my parents and then a home for my brother Andrew, who has learning difficulties, to ensure they were all looked after in later life.

"All ruined because I fell for this man’s lies and lack of moral decency. The sleepless nights and tears and stress continue after three and half years.”

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She said the mess will take years to fix while Thompson, formerly of The Green, Elwick, could be out after serving half his sentence.

More examples of the mess Jamie Thompson left behind.More examples of the mess Jamie Thompson left behind.
More examples of the mess Jamie Thompson left behind.

"Thankfully the bond within our family is strong and we all remain to be there for each other,” she said.

Julie said they also have hope for the future after a family friend has started a JustGiving page to raise money towards the repairs said to be over £60,000.

She added: “Ultimately, I do not wish this to happen to happen to anyone else and will continue to warn people to stay away from Jamie Thompson.

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“I insisted from the outset that every payment was paid through the bank which is something I would advise as it was one of the reasons, he was able to be convicted.

“For anyone in a similar situation I would strongly advise they contact their local Trading Standard Office.”

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