Dedicated student never misses a day of school in five years

100% attendance for Manor Community Academy pupil Hannah Fenwick100% attendance for Manor Community Academy pupil Hannah Fenwick
100% attendance for Manor Community Academy pupil Hannah Fenwick
A Hartlepool teenager has been praised by staff for never missing a day of school in five years.

Dedicated student Hannah Fenwick has graduated from Manor Community Academy having achieved 100% attendance for her whole time at the school.

The 16-year-old’s commitment to her studies has even seen her go into school whilst feeling unwell, for fear that she would miss something.

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100% attendance for Manor Community Academy pupil Hannah Fenwick100% attendance for Manor Community Academy pupil Hannah Fenwick
100% attendance for Manor Community Academy pupil Hannah Fenwick

And now the teen’s impressive achievement has been praised by staff as she gets set to start A Levels at Hartlepool Sixth Form.

Manor Community Academy head teacher Lee Kirtley said: “Hannah was a delightful, hardworking student whilst at Northern Education Trust Manor Academy.

“Her commitment to her studies was unwavering and I’m certain Hannah will have a great future.

“I’m pleased that Hannah will be coming back to Manor to support and mentor some of our younger students.”

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The school’s attendance manager Rebecca Davies, also praised her achievements, adding: “It is an outstanding achievement and shows great dedication.

“She is a credit to the school and her family.”

Proud mum Helen Nicholson said Hannah’s conscientiousness even saw her daughter arrive at the school before teaching staff to revise ahead of classes in the run up to her GCSE’s.

She said: “Hannah is so self-motivated. She has had colds and things like that, but she always wanted to go to school even if she was a bit unwell.

“In her last year she was even going in extra early to revise - she would get in for 7am and be in before the teachers!

“She is quite outgoing and loves being around people.

“She never wanted to miss anything.”

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While at the school Hannah excelled in biology and PE and was also on the school’s athletic team.

A keen swimmer, Hannah would also swim before school and was on the Aqua Force squad in the town, swimming competitively.

She will start her A Level studies this September in PE, psychology and biology, with hopes to have a career as a sports physiotherapist.

Mum Helen added: “She was never great at maths at school but battled to do well.

“She would do the extra revision classes the teachers would put on and now she quite likes maths.

“Hannah is highly motivated in everything she does and she is very pleased with her achievement.”

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