FEELING GREAT: How to deal with nagging knees

You don't always have to resort to painkillersYou don't always have to resort to painkillers
You don't always have to resort to painkillers
This article is for the runner who is suffering with annoying, daily knee pain.

You know the type of burning sensation and sharp pain that comes on gradually on the outside of your knee?

And can even make you feel so nauseated, that you feel your only option is to stop running, reach into the cupboard for the box of painkillers, and worry about how long the Doctor is going to tell you to rest this time…

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Well the thing is, dosing up on painkillers isn’t good for your stomach, and the long periods of rest that you’ve been told you ‘should do’, are unlikely to do you much good either.

Just last week we had a new patient, (Jamie, 45, Langley Moor), call into the clinic… Jamie has been running for years, and even though he experienced dull aches in his knee every now and then, he never thought much of it and kept running through the painuntil recently whenhis knee pain started getting worse.

Each time Jamie went for a run he’d get as far as to the end of his driveway, and end up having to call it a day, scared to do anything.

So Jamie did what everyone does - he went to the doctor.

And as you may be familiar with, if you’ve ever visited the doctor with knee pain before, Jamie was told stop running and to take painkillers to block out the pain.

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But the thing is, Jamie loves keeping active! And the thought of doing nothing for weeks was driving him crazy… which is why he decided to give us a call to see if we could get him running back on the pavements sooner - without having to take ANY painkillers too!

If you’re experiencing any dull ache, or burning sensations in your knees whilst out on your runs - you don’t have to mask the pain by popping pills and taking long periods of rest.

Of course rest is vital to easing your knee pain… but there’s a few things that you can do to keep active and your joints mobile during your recovery.

If you shudder at the thought of a no-exercise prescription, I’d highly recommend mixing core strength exercises into your routine, which our team of specialists can show you easily how to do.

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Why do I recommend this? Well, a strong core helps to maintain your posture, as well as keeping your knees in-line - reducing the risk of injuries that can stop you from doing the activities you enjoy the most.

Gentle walking is also fine, and swimming is great too.

If you’d like to discover more ways to ease sports injuries that keep you from being as active as you like be - you can pick up your free copy of the “7 Recovery Strategies That Only The Pro Athletes Know And Use” by visiting here: www.paulgoughphysio.com/sports-injury-clinic