Harry's TV appearance for tattoo tribute to sister

Harry getting his tattoo on Tattoo FixersHarry getting his tattoo on Tattoo Fixers
Harry getting his tattoo on Tattoo Fixers
When student Harry-Jon Morgan wanted to raise awareness of a disease which claimed the life of his sister he decided on maximum exposure.

Harry went on the popular Channel Four programme Tattoo Fixers to get a moving memorial to sister Ellie-Mae Morgan.

Ellie died, aged just 16, in October 2014 from Juvenile Huntington’s Disease - a genetic condition that attacks the central nervous system.

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Harry shows off his finished tattooHarry shows off his finished tattoo
Harry shows off his finished tattoo

Harry, 21, of Elwick Road, Hartlepool, had a treasured family photo of him and Ellie on swings when they were toddlers inked on his left arm.

It shows Harry aged three sat next to Ellie, then two, and giving her a push.

He said: “That photo defines our relationship. I said to my mum I wanted to do something to raise awareness and put Ellie out there in the public and thought TV was the right way to go about it.

“Tattoo Fixers is one of my favourite shows and I wanted that photo on my body so put two and two together.

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Harry-Jon Morgan with his tattoo of sister Ellie-MaeHarry-Jon Morgan with his tattoo of sister Ellie-Mae
Harry-Jon Morgan with his tattoo of sister Ellie-Mae

“I got a call from the producers and they were really touched by Ellie’s story.”

Harry, who studies sports coaching at Leeds Beckett University, travelled to the Tattoo Fixers’ studio in London.

The artists were visibly moved by Ellie’s three year battle with the disease which slowly robbed her of her movement and speech.

He also revealed that there is a possibility he could have the disease which his father has.

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The photo of Harry-Jon and Ellie-Mae MorganThe photo of Harry-Jon and Ellie-Mae Morgan
The photo of Harry-Jon and Ellie-Mae Morgan

Harry, who plays for Billingham Rugby Club, spent seven hours in the shop in Hackney and was delighted with the result which was the handiwork of Jay Hutton.

He added: “I couldn’t be happier with it. Afterwards Jay said it was a real honour to do it.”

A clip of him on the show has been viewed more than a million times on Facebook.

Harry added: “None of this was about me. It’s about raising awareness for Huntington’s Disease.

“Sometimes people need their hearts pulled out in front of them to understand about the disease.

“It is a terrible situation but there is so much that cam come out of it.”

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