Hartlepool MP slams New Year '˜s rise in rail fares

Hartlepool's Northern Rail passengers will see their fares increase in line with the national rise.Hartlepool's Northern Rail passengers will see their fares increase in line with the national rise.
Hartlepool's Northern Rail passengers will see their fares increase in line with the national rise.
Hartlepool MP Mike Hill has slammed the New Year increase in rail fares - saying that the town's commuters are '˜paying more for less.'

His criticism comes as the average rail ticket prices rose by 3.4% across the UK this week, the biggest increase to fares since 2013.

The Department for Transport say price rises are capped in line with inflation and used to improve the network.

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Hartlepool MP Mike Hill.Hartlepool MP Mike Hill.
Hartlepool MP Mike Hill.

The Hartlepool MP said the rise in fares was not a reflection of improved services, with passengers paying more money to travel on the same ‘outdated’ trains.

Mr Hill demanded that Hartlepool commuters are provided with better trains to get a return on their money.

Trains used by Northern Rail are known as ‘Pacer Trains’ which date back to the 1980s and were intended for use as a temporary measure.

He said: “Pacer trains are outdated, inefficient, uncomfortable and not fit for purpose. 
“Quite simply they should be scrapped and replaced with the type of rolling stock fare paying passengers from Hartlepool deserve.

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Hartlepool MP Mike Hill.Hartlepool MP Mike Hill.
Hartlepool MP Mike Hill.

“It is completely unacceptable that passengers who will be seeing ticket prices hiked up yet again, should have to put up with what in effect are the equivalent of old leaky buses.”

He added: “Hartlepool commuters deserve better. It’s about time they started to get a return on their money in the form of long overdue infrastructure investment and better rolling stock.
“Right now you would forgive anyone for saying they were feeling ripped off. It feels like they continue to pay out more for less.”

Northern Rail said it is working to transform local rail for current and future customers by 2020.

A spokesman said: “Northern’s average annual fare increase is 4.7%, which means an average season ticket will rise by 90 pence per week (based on the average season ticket costing £50.10 per week) and the average increase for Northern’s off peak and peak returns will be 30 pence per ticket.

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“Northern is delivering new trains, improved trains, better stations and more services to transform local rail for current and future customers in the North by 2020.

“Fares are an important factor in enabling the investment that will make this happen and ensure the railway continues to support our customers, communities and the regional economy.”

The network has launched discounted fares this week, extending its range of Duo tickets that offer a 25% discount on off-peak journeys for two customers travelling together and adding more routes to Advance Purchase on the Day offer, available up to 15 minutes before travel.