Hartlepool Parkrun is set to get in the festive spirit on Christmas Day

Angela and parkrun volunteer Debbie Wise get into the Christmas spirit.Angela and parkrun volunteer Debbie Wise get into the Christmas spirit.
Angela and parkrun volunteer Debbie Wise get into the Christmas spirit.
There'll be Santa hats and costumes galore as Hartlepool gets into the parkrun spirit - on Christmas Day.

More than 100 runners are expected to limber up for their Christmas dinner by preparing with a three-mile run on Monday, December 25.

The special parkrun will get underway at its usual start point at Hartlepool Marina at 9am.

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Angela Lawlor strides out on a Christmas parkrun.Angela Lawlor strides out on a Christmas parkrun.
Angela Lawlor strides out on a Christmas parkrun.

Angela Lawlor, who is a race director for the town event, said: “It is only the second Christmas one that we have done, but we are expecting more than 100 people.

“Many will be quite local and from the Hartlepool and surrounding areas, but we do get parkrun tourists as well.

“If people are up visiting family and friends, they will come if they know there is a Christmas Day parkun in the area.

“It is a really good atmosphere and we could get people from all over the country.”

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Angela Lawlor strides out on a Christmas parkrun.Angela Lawlor strides out on a Christmas parkrun.
Angela Lawlor strides out on a Christmas parkrun.

Mince pies are likely to be part of the event as well as mulled wine for the adults, and soft drinks for the children - but only after the race has finished, of course.

And for those who want another dose of holiday action, joggers won’t have long to wait.

A Hartlepool parkun is also planned for New Year’s Day, again starting at 9am.

Angela added: “Parkrun is for everyone and a lot of beginner runners take part. It is what parkrun is all about.”

To find out more about Hartlepool parkrun and how to join up, visit the website at http://www.parkrun.org.uk/hartlepool/

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