Hartlepool singing star scoops second place in Beyond the Lights competition

Singer Olivia Crawford (R) with sister Georgia CrawfordSinger Olivia Crawford (R) with sister Georgia Crawford
Singer Olivia Crawford (R) with sister Georgia Crawford
A teenage singing star from Hartlepool wowed the crowds and impressed judges to come top in her age category in one of the biggest competitions in the North of England.

Olivia Crawford, 14, from Worset Lane, achieved success at singing and dancing competition Beyond the Lights when she won her 13 to 17 age category was named the runner up in the overall competition final.

The Manor School pupil, took to the stage last month to sing a rendition of ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’ by Bon Jovi, while her sister Georgia, 21, accompanied her on the piano. Parents Leesa and Glen Crawford couldn’t be prouder of their daughters.

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Dad Glen, 49, said: “We are very proud, as this was the first really big result for Olivia.
“She was the winner in the 13 to 17 age category of the competition and was the runner up overall, with Ali Rasul, 15, who is a dancer from Hartlepool, winning the overall competition.

“The competition was based on heats - a creativity round, where Olivia has to write and sing her own song as well as an individual round.

“They held to find out whether she would make it to the next round before the big awards night on April 30.

“And what a result for Hartlepool - to have the first and second place winners to both be from the town.”

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The competition, which is organised by Newcastle-based team; Channy Thompson, 22, Lindsay McEvoy, 31, and Jamie-Lee Harrison, 23, saw contestants judged by a panel of industry professionals who decided on the overall winners at the final held at Rainton Meadows Arena.

As runner up, Olivia won the opportunity to perform at the O2 Academy in Newcastle sometime this summer.

Dad Glen added: “As long as I can remember Olivia has always been singing.

“She wants to make a career out of it so she was delighted coming runner up in the overall competition.”

For more information visit: http://www.beyondthelights.co.uk/