Hartlepool thug threatened to slash neighbour with cut-throat razor

The case was heard at Teesside Crown Court.The case was heard at Teesside Crown Court.
The case was heard at Teesside Crown Court.
A man has been jailed after he brandished a cut-throat razor in the street and threatened to slash a neighbour.

Patrick Brady threatened to slash the throat of a neighbour who challenged him.

Brady was disarmed by his former partner who was also drunk, Teesside Crown Court heard.

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Jenny Haigh, prosecuting, said: “Brady came out of his property brandishing what witnesses described as a cut-throat razor.

“He was waving it about and shouting.

“A neighbour challenged Brady, telling him her children were playing in the street. He swore at her, telling her he would slash her throat.”

The court heard Brady went inside, but emerged again a short time later.

“There was a confrontation in the street between Brady and his partner at the time,” said Ms Haigh.

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“She disarmed him, and he suffered a cut to his hand in the process.

“After footage of her waving the knife was posted on Facebook she was prosecuted for a public order offence.”

Brady, 30, of Dalkeith Road, Hartlepool, admitted possession of a bladed article and harassment, both on September 26.

The court heard he has two previous convictions for carrying a knife in public which means he qualifies for a minimum sentence of six months.

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Stephen Constantine, defending, said in mitigation: “One of his previous convictions was when he was living in Belfast. He found it difficult being a Catholic in a predominantly Protestant area, and he tells me he armed himself after his family received a threat from a man with a gun.

“Mr Brady is a qualified chef, and when he can control his drinking he can be a law-abiding and productive member of society.

“His home at the time of this latest offence was being targeted by youths.

“He has since moved away from that area, and he has been controlling his drinking in recent months.”

Judge Stephen Ashurst jailed Brady for eight months.

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The judge told him: “Whether you were being targeted by youths or not is no excuse for the way you behaved.

“We are all under a duty to exercise restraint and self-control, which you let slip that night probably due to drink.

“There is widespread public concern over the use of knives in public.

“Parliament has decided repeat offenders must be imprisoned. It worth remembering the minimum sentence is six months, but the maximum is four years.”