Haversacks, PE kits and new school uniforms - all from Pools Surplus Store

Pools Surplus Store in 1969.Pools Surplus Store in 1969.
Pools Surplus Store in 1969.
Need a new haversack? This was the place to go.

How about a new uniform for the start of another school year? Pools Surplus Store stocked the lot.

In fact, you could just about get anything you wanted at this Hartlepool favourite, according to some people.

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Another view of this Hartlepool institution.Another view of this Hartlepool institution.
Another view of this Hartlepool institution.

We dug out this 1969 photograph from our archives. More than 16,000 of you took a look, over 100 shared their memories and 160 liked the social media post.

Dozens of you remembered trips to the shop.

Tim Brown got all of his Brierton uniforms and sports kits there from 1974 onwards and added: “Especially remember the RAF surplus haversack.”

New outfits for school were also memories for Denise Wain, Janice Standing, Veronica Butler, Philip Hope, Debbie Bell, Wendy Hogan, Gillian Burdis, Sue Rutherford and Stephen Swift.

Another view of this Hartlepool institution.Another view of this Hartlepool institution.
Another view of this Hartlepool institution.

PE kits were the item of choice for Clare Parkinson and Doreen Knight, and a visit to the store was heaven for people wanting a new haversack including Andrew Henderson, Joe Pattison, and Sue Haylock.

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Barry Ainslie really was a fan and said: “Was in there every Saturday even with no money admiring the goods.”

Another item of choice was popular. Tracey Vayro said: “Definitely stay press!”

Colin Thompson got his “first Stay Press and a Ben Sherman shirt”, and Karen Ellis said: “Gym kit and black sandshoes, cromby coats and stay press trousers lol.”

Lynn Skedd said: “Sta-press, Ben Sherman’s, doc martins, and school uniforms”, and Mandy Rochester reminisced: “School uniform and stay press bought with a club.”

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Gary Powell was impressed with the photograph and said: “Wow – just how I remember it.”

Janine Cutter “loved that shop x”, and Neil Gibson commented: “Never mind hanging about in cafes and record shops – Pools Surplus for the really cool kids.”

Michelle Peart was a former employee and said: “I loved working there x.” So did Carol Docherty, who said: “I had a Saturday job there. Loved it.”

David Close got his first pair of Wranglers from Pools Surplus Store while June Gate said: “Loved this shop.”

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June Hansen “loved to go in there and my school uniform was bought there 55 years ago”.

Dave Hunter said: “I remember it exactly as that photo as I tried on the ‘grow into it blazer’.”

What was great about it? “Everything,” said Tracy Kitching. “There’s not much you couldnt buy in there.”

The last word goes to Jayne Gray, who still has her own reminder of the store. “Pulled a Pools Surplus carrier out of the loft with the Christmas decorations this year!”

Thanks to Jayne and to everyone who responded to the online post.

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