Help by the trolley load for Hartlepool Foodbank

Tesco's Community Champion Selina Wilson, left, with foodbank trustee Laura Wild, and Tesco colleague Tracey Barker, collecting donations at the Burns Road store, Hartlepool.Tesco's Community Champion Selina Wilson, left, with foodbank trustee Laura Wild, and Tesco colleague Tracey Barker, collecting donations at the Burns Road store, Hartlepool.
Tesco's Community Champion Selina Wilson, left, with foodbank trustee Laura Wild, and Tesco colleague Tracey Barker, collecting donations at the Burns Road store, Hartlepool.
Generous shoppers certainly dug deep when they answered a store's call to help people less fortunate.

Hartlepool’s Tesco Extra in Burn Road collected an amazing 426 boxes of food in just three days for Hartlepool Foodbank.

All Tesco Extra stores nationwide spent the weekend collecting much-needed food donations for their local foodbanks or Fareshare Distribution Centres as part of the Neighbourhood Food Collection.

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Popular cartoon characters helped Tesco Extra's food collectionPopular cartoon characters helped Tesco Extra's food collection
Popular cartoon characters helped Tesco Extra's food collection

Selina Wilson, community champion at the Hartlepool store, said: “Though it is very sad that we are still in this position of tackling food poverty in our country, it does reaffirm your faith in humanity when you see so much compassion and generosity from our customers.

“Many donated a couple of items but there were dozens who came with carrier bags full, often donating more goods than they had purchased for themselves.

“We had several customers donate a trolley full of food and many cash donations so we could buy food on their behalf, including one of £50!”

The food collected will directly benefit Hartlepool families this Christmas who are facing crisis over the festive period.

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Popular cartoon characters helped Tesco Extra's food collectionPopular cartoon characters helped Tesco Extra's food collection
Popular cartoon characters helped Tesco Extra's food collection

Tesco also give each kilo of food collected a nominal cash value and will top up the donation by 20% of the total amount collected in funding.

On Thursday, Frozen characters Elsa and Olaf, and yellow Minions lent a hand, taking in donations and handing out shopping lists of required items to customers.

Tesco Extra has worked with Hartlepool Foodbank, based in Church Street, since its launch and the store’s collections are now in their fifth year.

Selina added: “Tesco Extra Hartlepool would like to thank everyone who donated especially at a time of year when every penny counts. It is very much appreciated.”

The store has a permanent collection point for the foodbank near the self-service checkouts.

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