Hot stuff at the excellent Gun Battery

Radio enthusiasts Steve Peel, right, and Dave Tate.Radio enthusiasts Steve Peel, right, and Dave Tate.
Radio enthusiasts Steve Peel, right, and Dave Tate.
Warmer weather and a big range of events is helping to pull in more visitors at a historic Hartlepool site.

Officials at the Heugh Battery on the Headland are delighted with the public’s response to the events they are holding.

The site in Moor Terrace held a car boot sale and volunteer Wally Stewart said it was the third that had been held at the Battery.

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The latest successful sale.The latest successful sale.
The latest successful sale.

He added: “With the weather much improved, plenty of visitors had a good time wandering around the seven or eight tables that were laid out with various items including books and CDs, clothing and many pieces of bric-a-brac.

“The staff from the battery were very pleased with the turnout, which is, definitely, improving from month to month.”

Another recent highlight was Stockton and District Amateur Radio Club whose members set up at the venue.”

“They set up their aerials and radios and spend the day talking to the rest of the world,” said Wally.

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The latest successful sale.The latest successful sale.
The latest successful sale.

“They do demonstration in the art of radios and in morse code. They also advertise our museum to many friends of theirs in many lands and it is very good publicity for us.”

The radio club members will be making their next return on July 17 and Wally described them as “a welcome visitor to the museum and also very interesting to chat to, and watch and listen to.”

The next car boot sale is also on July 17 and Wally said: “Hopefully it will be another busy day in the calendar.”

The battery is famous for its actions in the bombardment of the town which claimed the lives of 130 people.

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Along with the nearby Lighthouse Battery, it defiantly replied to the attacking German ships on December 16, 1914.

A team of three staff are supported by volunteers in order to run the site where an impressive array of events are being held.

Activities which have already been held there this year have included the Victory of the Daleks day, as well as book sales, a craft fair and a family day.

Anyone wanting more details about any of the events still to come at the Battery should contact the site on (01429) 270746.

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