How much have these Hartlepool streets changed since these photos were taken?

King Oswy Drive pictured in 1983. How much has this scene changed?King Oswy Drive pictured in 1983. How much has this scene changed?
King Oswy Drive pictured in 1983. How much has this scene changed?
We're hoping these four photographs will trigger memories of how our great town used to look.

Here are views of some well-known Hartlepool streets and we would love your recollections of those times.

Furthest back is this view of King Oswy Drive from January 1983, showing the Steetley chimney in the background. Remember it?

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Oxford Road, pictured  35 years ago.Oxford Road, pictured  35 years ago.
Oxford Road, pictured 35 years ago.

How about this view of the Owton Manor shopping precinct, this time in March 1983. What changes can you spot.

Thirdly, this view of Oxford Road was taken in July of the same year and we would love to know if you remember when it looked like this.

Our last shot shows Catcote Road in December 1993. Does it bring back memories?

To share your recollections, email [email protected].

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