Jeff Stelling feeling good' on fourth day of walk

Jeff Stelling.Jeff Stelling.
Jeff Stelling.
Sky Sports presenter Jeff Stelling has completed the fourth day of his epic journey from Exeter to Newcastle.

The Hartlepool United fan is aiming to complete 15 marathons in 15 days in aid of Prostate Cancer UK.

On Monday, he set off from Forest Green Rovers in Gloucestershire, hitting the 100 mile mark of his journey by the end of the day. He said he was feeling good knowing he was less than 300 miles away from the finish.

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Jeff Stelling and fellow March for Men walkers get ready to set off on the first day of the event.Jeff Stelling and fellow March for Men walkers get ready to set off on the first day of the event.
Jeff Stelling and fellow March for Men walkers get ready to set off on the first day of the event.

“It been a bit wet, but it’s been the first bad day we’ve had,” he said.

“There is less than 300 miles to go now, so there is light at the end of a very long tunnel.

“I feel really good at the moment, this year I am still in one piece as this time last year I was ready to give up.

“But I have been given a lot of help from the football league clubs.”

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Jeff Stelling and fellow March for Men walkers get ready to set off on the first day of the event.Jeff Stelling and fellow March for Men walkers get ready to set off on the first day of the event.
Jeff Stelling and fellow March for Men walkers get ready to set off on the first day of the event.

The March for Men challenge is aiming to raise £500,000 for the charity. It is being supported by names from the sporting world as well as those who have survived or are battling prostate cancer.

Sky Sports pundits and ex-players Jamie Carragher and Matt Le Tissier and legends, including Gordon Banks, will join him at various points.

Jeff added: “We were at Forest Green Rovers, who are replacing Hartlepool this year and the sign outside said league 2 which I thought was very poignant!

“One guy even joined us on day four from Nerja in Spain to walk 26 miles, which was amazing.

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“So far we have raised £150,000 on the Just Giving Page and about £200,000 in total.

People have been really generous. We have been walking though some areas that are sparsely populated where you don’t get to meet many people, but the ones you do see put £10 and £20 in your hand.”

Next, Jeff will be heading towards Liverpool and Manchester on the homeward stretch.

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