FEELING GREAT: The real cause of back pain may come as a big surprise

Slouching is among the causes of back pain.Slouching is among the causes of back pain.
Slouching is among the causes of back pain.
Something “short and sweet” for people suffering with back ache…

Sometimes it happens, you’re chugging along nicely. You feel fit and well. And you think your health problems are way off in the future for another day.

Then suddenly you feel something not quite right at your lower back. Maybe you even begin to kid yourself that it’s nothing.

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So with that in mind lets look at some common reasons why back pain happens, so that you can look out for them and get the help you need:

1.) It could just be a simple case that your lower back muscles have finally “packed up” after years of overuse.

2.) Maybe you suffered back pain years ago, thought nothing of it at the time, but the REAL damage has been slow building and has decided to surface now that your body isn’t quite as flexible or as strong as it once was.

3.) Perhaps you sit a lot? Maybe you sit at work or in your car, or maybe you’ve just picked up a bit of a bad habit that means you “slouch” when you’re watching TV, or maybe you sleep in a funny way, such as on your front?

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4.) Maybe you’re the one person in the house that is left to do ALL the housework, who is always cleaning the floor and picking things up after the kids or grandkids, or you spend time in the garden attending to its needs and constantly stressing your back whilst doing it?

But rarely does the reason for back pain, ever get more complex than anything you’ve just read above. In fact, I often argue that back pain is inevitable and almost unavoidable.

That it’s actually the sign of an active and “on-the-go” lifestyle where you’ve put to good use everything that you’ve been given. It’s just a shame that when you hit 40, definitely 50, and most certainly 60, the really strong back that you once had when you were younger, isn’t so much any more. But it’s often nothing that can’t be helped if you get it looked at quickly.

For “top tips” to find relief from back pain caused by any of these I’ve just mentioned go here to download my free back pain report: https://www.paulgoughphysio.com/back-pain/