Letter of the week: Hartlepool Borough Council should help save our Heugh Battery

Manager Diane Stephens inside the Heugh Battery.Manager Diane Stephens inside the Heugh Battery.
Manager Diane Stephens inside the Heugh Battery.
I have questions to ask of Hartlepool Borough Council and, in particular, the committees that handle the financial arrangements for the town.

We are presently involved in re-vamping Stockton Street at considerable cost to improve the visual appearance of the road past the College of Further Education.

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Running alongside this is the already ongoing scheme of Church Street improvements, with considerable amounts of money already spent and other large sums to be allocated to private landlords for upgrades and improvements to their properties.

While I applaud all of these plans as part of town centre improvements, I raise two simple questions:

If the Shades public house in Church Street is so important as a listed building, and is to receive special funding, why is the council ignoring the plight of the Heugh Battery?

Why is it not receiving any additional financial support for such an important historical museum as part of Hartlepool’s heritage?

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I really don’t think it should be up to the public and fundraising schemes to find the money to keep the Heugh Battery running and open to visitors.

Last week's Letter of the week: "Is it not cheaper to demolish Hartlepool eyesores than repair them?"So come on Hartlepool Council, and Mr Akers-Belcher in particular, consider carefully how you can resolve this financial issue and allocate special funds to support what is part of our national and local historical heritage.

Otherwise it will be a similar situation to the Labour Council in Durham, completely disbanding the Museum for the Durham Light Infantry at Aykley Heads and spreading the exhibits far and wide across Durham County, where no-one knows where to find them.

Let’s face it, you cannot alter the location of the Heugh Battery.

It is unique in terms of both world wars, and must be preserved in its entirety.

John Rennison Vayro,

Sandbanks Drive,

Hart Station.