Mail readers don't think Johnson's Brexit deal will get through parliament

Boris Johnson has reached an agreement with the EU on Brexit, but will MPs back him on Saturday?Boris Johnson has reached an agreement with the EU on Brexit, but will MPs back him on Saturday?
Boris Johnson has reached an agreement with the EU on Brexit, but will MPs back him on Saturday?
A majority of Hartlepool Mail readers who voted in our poll do not believe the Prime Minister’s deal will survive Saturday’s vote in Parliament.

Boris Johnson agreed a deal with the EU, but has to convince UK MPs, who will vote on the deal on Saturday. There’s a lot at stake and his party has no majority. But will enough opposition MPs and ex-Conservatives vote his way?

We asked our readers on Facebook: “Do you think Boris Johnson's Brexit deal will get through Parliament?” Of the 506 people who had voted at the time of writing, 33% said yes, 67% said no.

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Graham Longworth said: “If you put the perfect deal on the table, Corbyn and the other cronies would still oppose it. Even if they created the deal, they'd still vote against it because they all want a second referendum.”

Bryan Littler brought it closer to home, saying: “Would advise anyone who feels strongly to tweet or email Mike Hill now to let him know your thoughts.”

Raymond Stephenson said: “Let's hope so. This fiasco has gone on long enough.”

Paul Coull said: “It’s all part of the master plan to leave without a deal legally.”

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Adrian Paul said: “I think it may just squeeze through listening to interviews on LBC.”

Andy Hagon said: “This is not about you and me, it's about the survival of the Tory Party. He (Johnson) knows it won't get through but that doesn't matter to him. He just wants to say in the coming General Election that he got a new (rubbish) deal with the EU.”