New support group for people affected by co-ordination disorder launching in Hartlepool

Pritthijit Datta is launching a new dyspraxia support group in Hartlepool,Pritthijit Datta is launching a new dyspraxia support group in Hartlepool,
Pritthijit Datta is launching a new dyspraxia support group in Hartlepool,
A new support group for people affected by a developmental disorder is to launch in Hartlepool.

Co-ordinators of a Dyspraxia Support Group on Teesside are starting a dedicated group for the town in order to reach more people affected by the condition that affects sufferers’ co-ordination.

It promises a lively and exciting mix of social activities, free skills-based workshops and advice from experts and professionals.

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The first meeting will take place at the Community Hub Central (central library) in York Road on Thursday, January 23, from 4.30pm-5.30pm.

Dyspraixia affects physical co-ordination and causes children affected to struggle with daily activities and appear to move clumsily.

And in adults it can have an impact on their ability to drive, play sports, write and use small objects.

Project manager Pritthijit Datta, who has dyspraxia, started a support group in Stockton to help inspire others not to let it hinder their lives.

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He said: “It can also have an impact on social skills, short term memory loss and organisational skills.

“In this country about 10% of people are affected by dyspraxia and 5% of children.

“We have a support group in Stockton but have decided to launch a second group so we can reach more people.

“Also there is a need for it in Hartlepool. It is aimed at adults, parents and children affected by dyspraxia.”

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Pritthijit said the group will be the first support group dedicated to support for dyspraxia in the town.

He added: “There are quite a lot of charities for things like autism but not many that support dyspraxia.

“We will have free workshops in life skills such as cooking, yoga for children and exciting social activities including day trips and educational visits.

“Most importantly, we will invite experts to give advice and support to the group including occupational therapists and professionals.”

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The NHS says dyspraxia is more common in men and often runs in families.

It is not known what causes it but people born prematurely are believed to be at a higher risk of developing it.

Anybody affected by the condition is invited to attend the Hartlepool group including potential volunteers.

For more information call 07804 368585 or email: [email protected]

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