Your chance to name areas of Hartlepool that need spruce up as new project launched

Hartlepool civic centre.Hartlepool civic centre.
Hartlepool civic centre.
A Hartlepool councillor is inviting people to band together to help brighten up unloved parts of the town.

Residents and community groups are invited to attend a consultation event at Hartlepool Civic Centre next week to highlight public spaces across the town that could be made greener and brighter.

The project is being spearheaded by Jesmond ward councillor Amy Prince and project volunteers Sharon Barnes and Charlotte Randall.

It takes place on Thursday, October 10, from 5.30pm.

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Councillor Amy Prince.Councillor Amy Prince.
Councillor Amy Prince.

Coun Prince said: “There will be maps of the 11 wards for people to point out areas they think need looking at.

“It could be anywhere people have seen that is a little bit unloved and could do with a bit of touching up such as patches of grass you think would look nice if it had tubs or flowers.

“I have invited councillors and hope anyone who is involved in tidying up the town will come.

“I have extended the invitation to the Hartlepool Big Town Tidy Up group who I hope to work with.”

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Officers from the council’s Neighbourhood Services department will also be there.

As part of the project, Coun Prince says housing landlord Thirteen has granted them permission to paint and plant up raised beds in Throston and Owton Manor.

The household recycling centre in Burn Road is also setting aside any tins of paint they receive that could be used to touch up tired looking railings around town and even create murals on walls.

Coun Prince added: “We are reaching out to businesses to ask if they are interested in buying bulbs or paints.

“The aim is to revamp what we can and freshen things up.”

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By holding a consultation event, Coun Prince hopes to bring everyone with an interest in the project together under one roof to ensure improvements happen as smoothly as possible.

Next Thursday’s meeting is expected to last for a couple of hours and people can drop in anytime.

Coun Prince added: “Please come, please get involved in making a difference.”

For more details email: [email protected]

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