Investigation launched into child poverty in Hartlepool to tackle 'very sad state of affairs'

An investigation has been launched into child poverty in Hartlepool.An investigation has been launched into child poverty in Hartlepool.
An investigation has been launched into child poverty in Hartlepool.
An investigation has been launched into child poverty in Hartlepool as chiefs aim to make “make positive changes to reduce and eradicate” the problem in the borough.

Hartlepool Borough Council Audit and Governance Committee at its latest meeting outlined steps it will take as part of scrutiny work into child poverty in the town over the coming year.

It was agreed the aim of the investigation will be “to evaluate the true impact of child poverty and identify what the council and partners can do to make positive changes required to reduce and eradicate it in Hartlepool.”

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Cllr Rob Cook, chair of the committee, stressed the importance of members participating in the investigation and collecting information, adding it is key to helping provide support to those impacted by child poverty.

Councillor Rob Cook is the chairman of the committee investigating the issueCouncillor Rob Cook is the chairman of the committee investigating the issue
Councillor Rob Cook is the chairman of the committee investigating the issue

He said: “Every little helps, it’s a very, very sad state of affairs that we’re in in Hartlepool, as they are in most parts of the country, but we’re interested in Hartlepool and what’s best for Hartlepool.

“If we can do anything to ease the situation when we do this investigation it can only be for the good of the people, child poverty, parent poverty, all poverty in Hartlepool.”

Councillors heard they will have “four or five meetings” in which they will be presented with, and scrutinise findings on the issue, with a final report scheduled to be compiled in January.

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Joan Stevens, council statutory scrutiny manager, outlined how in the coming months they will define child poverty, while looking on a national and regional scale at the extent and causes of the issue, along with the impact of Covid.

Councillors will also look at the barriers out of child poverty, and the prevalence and impact of it in Hartlepool, along with how effective current provision is.

The investigation will include identifying service improvements or changes which can help reduce child poverty, and setting short, medium and long term recommendations for the area.

As part of this officers said they will work with different groups and organisations in Hartlepool and across the region to help gather as much information as possible.

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Child poverty was chosen by councillors as the topic for the investigation at their previous meeting, after being put forward by council leader Cllr Shane Moore.

He said the local authority has “a legal and moral responsibility to do something about this”.

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