Worldwide donors back pub's legal appeal against Covid breaches ban

The Porky Pint in BillinghamThe Porky Pint in Billingham
The Porky Pint in Billingham
A pub owner fighting to win back its licence has been given more than £4,700 from donors across the globe.

The Mill Lane pub opened during lockdown in January as part of a “Great Reopening” protest against Covid-19 measures.

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Mr Henderson, 38, argues that the state has “rejected 500 years of settled laws, customs and principles” in its actions – claiming it had discriminated against private enterprise during the pandemic.

So far, a total of 135 pledges have been made to the £10,000 appeal on legal crowdfunding site

Mr Hendersons said the legal fee fundraiser had received support from as far away as Australia and the United States and added: “It’s been extremely difficult on many levels, both personally and in terms of the business.

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“Many people thought the business would shut down permanently.

“It does give us more strength for the fight coming up to know there are people (supporting us) in our own community and around the world.”

The pub owner added they would appeal “as high as they could go for as long as they could” if their initial efforts were unsuccessful.

The pub is continuing to trade pending the outcome of the ongoing appeal.

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