Hartlepool MP vows to fight 'despot ' PM Boris Johnson over Brexit Parliament shut-down

Mike HillMike Hill
Mike Hill
Hartlepool MP Mike Hill has vowed to fight Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plan to suspend Parliament.

The Queen has approved an order to prorogue Parliament no earlier than September 9 and no later than September 12, until October 14.

Opponents say the move is intended to deny MPs the chance to block any attempt to leave the EU without a deal.

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Mike Hill said: “The Prime Minister’s decision to prorogue Parliament should be a of concern to us all.

“According to the Government his reason for doing so is to set out a domestic agenda.

“This lie does not fool anyone, as emails I’ve received from both Brexit supporters and Remainers have subsequently proved.

“The real threat here is that Boris Johnson wants to weaken the constitutional power of our sovereign Parliament. This cannot be allowed to happen.

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“If the PM attempts to act like a despot then I will be joining my colleagues from all parties in ensuring that the elected representatives of the people are not silenced.

“We will do whatever it takes to defend British Parliamentary democracy.

“It was once a model for the world to follow, but is rapidly becoming a laughing stock.

“Boris is scared of criticism and he knows he has no power with his tiny minority of one.

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“In two months the Prime Minister has already disgraced his office, disgraced our constitutional values and disgraced our nation.

“I have always been open and honest with my constituents in my opposition to a no deal Brexit, which I believe will do untold damage to jobs and the economy of the North East, and I remain committed to the principle of leaving the EU with a deal.

“So although I disagree with many of my colleagues on both sides of the Brexit debate, we all agree on one thing; we will not be silenced as Parliamentarians.”

Thousands of people protested against the plans to suspend Parliament, with rallies in London, Edinburgh and other cities within hours of the announcement.

But the protests were dismissed as "phoney" by Commons Leader Jacob Rees-Mogg.