Remember going down this on a skateboard - or with a pushchair!

The curly ramp in Hartlepool Shopping Centre.The curly ramp in Hartlepool Shopping Centre.
The curly ramp in Hartlepool Shopping Centre.
It was a gathering point for nanas, and a challenge for mums with children in buggies.

But whatever your thoughts were, thousands of you looked back on the days when there was a curly ramp in the Middleton Grange Shopping Centre.

We posted a photograph which showed the ramp at Christmastime in 1990.

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The social media posting reached nearly 64,000 people and scores of you took time to send us your own memories.

They were wonderful and it seems that the ramp was a great place for children.

Lisa Deane remembered “running down it xx” while Garry Hoare said: “I skateboarded down this lol.”

Sheena Smurthwaite commented: “My son used to run down it with his sister in her pushchair she loved it x”

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Wayne Steele and Anthony Barber remembered it well while John Cooper posted: “Does anyone else remember it taking ages to walk up? There always seemed to be groups of nanas stood talking and blocking the way, making everyone go single file.”

Tish Mcgurran said: “I can remember it , and walking in all the slushy snow in the centre , as no roof over the shops . Happy days x”

And Chris Griffiths added: “Not sure when it left but still have memories of it. Also glad they enclosed it all.”

And Pam Wallace said: Only problem with it when it snowed it was quite slippy I remember !”

If anyone else would like to share their memories, email [email protected]