This is where 31 affordable new homes could be built in Hartlepool

The entrance to the site of the proposed affordable new housing off Lealholm Road. Picture Google.The entrance to the site of the proposed affordable new housing off Lealholm Road. Picture Google.
The entrance to the site of the proposed affordable new housing off Lealholm Road. Picture Google.
Plans have been lodged to build 31 affordable homes in a new housing development in Hartlepool.

The scheme is planned over two separate plots of land off Lealholm Road in the Seaton Lane area.

Applicant Engie Ltd is seeking full planning permission from Hartlepool Borough Council for the scheme in association with housing provider Thirteen.

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Plans for where new 31 houses are proposed in Lealholm Road, HartlepoolPlans for where new 31 houses are proposed in Lealholm Road, Hartlepool
Plans for where new 31 houses are proposed in Lealholm Road, Hartlepool

A design and access statement prepared as part of the application states: “The proposal seeks to create new homes on an existing piece of developed land which provides natural pieces of infill development.

“The two individual sites have a proposal of 31 two and three-bed houses, each with vehicular access from Lealholm Road (east and west) with no through road between the two.”

The applicant says the final scheme has evolved over time to make the best use of the land and address comments from residents, local councillors and the council.

The number of homes proposed has been reduced from 33 to 31 after the applicants were advised the land was not large enough.

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Agents for the applicants say the scheme will help the town to achieve its affordable housing target of 144 homes a year.

The planning statement adds: “We hope that the process has led to the submission of a robust and attractive proposal for this new residential development.”

A public consultation event was held at Newholm Community Centre last August.

Most residents who attended are said to have been opposed to the development if a road connecting Jutland Road and Stockton Road was to be proposed.

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The design and access statement states: “However as the sites are retained as two individual plots, with no through road, the majority of local residents were satisfied with the proposals and several have made contact with Thirteen for potential residence.”

However, four residents from the Stockton Road end of Lealholm Road registered their opposition to the development due to historic anti-social behaviour when the street was formally known as Keith Road.

People can view and comment on the plans – reference H/2018/0490 – at