Watch gallery of pictures as Hartlepool pupils enjoy school sports day

The girls short run event during the Sacred Heart's Primary school sports day held at Grayfields. Picture by Frank ReidThe girls short run event during the Sacred Heart's Primary school sports day held at Grayfields. Picture by Frank Reid
The girls short run event during the Sacred Heart's Primary school sports day held at Grayfields. Picture by Frank Reid
Energetic children excelled in all kinds of games and activities during Sacred Heart Primary School's annual sports day.

More than 400 pupils swapped the classroom for the day and took part in a variety of games at Grayfields sports field.

Hurdles, the high jump, throwing and rounders were among the activities children threw themselves into while cheered on by parents and family members.

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A pupil becomes tangled up during the Sacred Hearts Primary school sports day held at Grayfields. Picture by Frank ReidA pupil becomes tangled up during the Sacred Hearts Primary school sports day held at Grayfields. Picture by Frank Reid
A pupil becomes tangled up during the Sacred Hearts Primary school sports day held at Grayfields. Picture by Frank Reid

The day was topped off with a sponsored walk or run around the field to raise money for a new white board and which parents and staff also joined in with.

Sam Cook, Sacred Heart’s PE coordinator, said: “It was a great day. The aim was to get the children moving in different ways and practising different skills that we normally don’t practice in school.

“We couldn’t have done it without the help of the council and our amazing staff.

“Thankfully the weather was nice as well.”

Winners at the Sacred Hearts Primary school sports day held at Grayfields. Picture by Frank ReidWinners at the Sacred Hearts Primary school sports day held at Grayfields. Picture by Frank Reid
Winners at the Sacred Hearts Primary school sports day held at Grayfields. Picture by Frank Reid

English Martyrs school, where the sports day is normally held, also supported the event as well.

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The day could not be held at English Martyrs this year due to work starting on a new school building.

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