Hartlepool hour-by-hour weather forecast as yellow weather warning issued for strong winds

Yellow weather warning issued for strong winds on Tuesday, January 7, 2020Yellow weather warning issued for strong winds on Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Yellow weather warning issued for strong winds on Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for Tuesday, January 7 for the North East – this is what to expect today.

The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for strong winds on Tuesday, January 7 and it will be in place from 5am to 9pm. Strong southwesterly conditions are predicted for parts of Scotland and northern England and disruption should be expected. Gusts of 50mph to 60mph are possible and winds speeds of 70mph to 75mph are likely in coastal areas or upland sites.

Hour-by-hour forecast:

7am: Cloudy, 10% chance of rain, 7C, wind speed: 14mph

8am: Cloudy, 10% chance of rain, 7C, wind speed: 15mph

9am: Cloudy, 10% chance of rain, 8C, wind speed: 17mph

10am: Cloudy, 10% chance of rain, 9C, wind speed: 19mph

11am: Cloudy, 10% chance of rain, 8C, wind speed: 20mph

12pm: Cloudy, 10% chance of rain, 9C, wind speed: 23mph

1pm: Cloudy, 10% chance of rain, 10C, wind speed: 22mph

2pm: Cloudy, 10% chance of rain, 11C, wind speed: 23mph

3pm: Cloudy, 10% chance of rain, 11C wind speed: 22mph

4pm: Cloudy, 10% chance of rain, 11C, wind speed: 21mph

5pm: Cloudy, 12C, wind speed: 23mph

6pm: Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain, 13C, wind speed: 24mph

7pm: Cloudy, 10% chance of rain, 13C, wind speed: 25mph

8pm: Cloudy, 13C, wind speed: 23mph

9pm: Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain, 13C, wind speed: 23mph

10pm: Partly cloudy, 13C, wind speed: 22mph

11pm: Clear night, 12C, wind speed: 19mph