Hartlepool boxer Savannah Marshall to face home test at GB Championship

Savannah Marshall  (third left)Savannah Marshall  (third left)
Savannah Marshall (third left)
Savannah Marshall’s dream of reaching her second Olympic Games is burning brightly again.

Marshall is on a high today after striking gold at the Queens Cup in Germany.

The Hartlepool boxer defeated Germany’s big hope Sarah Scheurich on a unanimous points decision in the U75 kilo final in Stralsund on Saturday night.

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This result could not have come at a better time for the 24-year-old with the 2016 World Championships exactly three months away.

The worlds, which take place inKazakhstan are one of only two qualifying tournaments for next year’s Olympic Games. Four spots are available for Rio.

But before the Headland ABC star can start thinking about Olympic qualification, Marshall has a domestic affair to contemplate.

The former world number one will take part in the GB Championships in Sheffield on Thursday, November 26.

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Since exploding onto the scene as a teenager, the girl from Dyke House has had no rivals for the GB middleweight vest.

Not any more. Marshall will be challenged by England international, Natasha Gale.

The 25-year-old, who has only been boxing for two years, has made a meteoric rise.

But Headland ABC coach Tim Coulter wants to see Marshall exert her authority and book her place to the worlds for next February.

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“This in effect is a box-off to see who goes to the World Championships,” said Coulter.

“Savannah has got back to her best over in Germany and she’s got to carry that on.

“Her injury problems are behind her and she has now had three very good wins in as many days.

“I will be looking for her to prove her position as GB’s number one and get the spot for the worlds in February.”

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It would be a major shock were Marshall to come a cropper against her rival, from Yorkshire.

After taking silver at the Feliks Stamm Memorial tournament in Poland in September – her first major event back after hand surgery – she stepped up another gear in Germany.

Former world champ Laurell was despatched in the quarter-final before outboxing new kid on the block, Australia’s Caitlin Parker in the semis.

And she saved her best til last by dominating the Queens Cup final against world number seven Scheurich.

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Such was her masterclass, Marshall won the last two rounds by a 10-8 margin.

“When we watched a DVD of the Feliks Stamm final there were a few things we identified which needed some work,” added Coulter. “Just tweaks really.

“She worked on it and over in Germany she found herself picking her shots again and being more relaxed and in control.”

Marshall’s victory in northern Germany was part of a gold rush by England, who were coached by fellow Poolie, Amanda Coulson.

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Nina Hughes-Smith won the U57 kilo division when she beat Russia’s Tatiana Zrazhevskaia on a split decision.

Team-mate girl Chantelle Cameron won the U60 kilo crown by the same result against Agnes Alexiusson, from Sweden. There were bronze medals for Tanya Dady and Stacey Copeland.