EFL calls for 'much-needed change to the distribution of wealth' after English clubs withdraw from European Super League

The EFL has welcomed the decision of English clubs withdrawing from the European Super League. (Photo by Catherine Ivill/Getty Images)The EFL has welcomed the decision of English clubs withdrawing from the European Super League. (Photo by Catherine Ivill/Getty Images)
The EFL has welcomed the decision of English clubs withdrawing from the European Super League. (Photo by Catherine Ivill/Getty Images)
The EFL has welcomed Liverpool, Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester City and Tottenham Hotspur’s decision to withdraw from the European Super League and hopes the move sparks a “much-needed change to the distribution of wealth”.

Following a chaotic 48 hours of scrutiny and condemnation from the likes of FIFA, UEFA, the Premier League and high-profile figures such as Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Duke of Cambridge, the six English clubs involved confirmed their intention to walk away from the proposed Super League.

Atletico Madrid, Inter Milan and Juventus have also stepped away, leaving just Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus as the only clubs remaining.

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The EFL says it was “heartened” by the protests against the Super League as it “gives everybody a chance to dream” in a “unified footballing system that promotes open competition”.

They feel one of the reasons the Super League failed is “due to a model of distorted and unfair financial distributions”, which prompted their own calls for a change in the distribution of funds.

A statement read: “The EFL welcomes the decision made by six English Premier League teams to withdraw intentions to join a European Super League

“With widespread opposition met at home and abroad, including from the EFL, these divisive proposals threatened the sporting principles of the football pyramid that our founding members pioneered over a century ago.

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“Across the globe, people in and outside of the game spoke up when it counted. The EFL is heartened by the response and remain proud to be part of a unified footballing system that promotes open competition, gives everybody a chance to dream and continues to inspire generations of young people in the communities from where our Clubs take their name.

“The message is clear that the pyramid must be protected above all. The European Super League failed in part due to a model of distorted and unfair financial distributions, a criticism that can also be levelled at the current financial model in our own domestic game.

“The EFL hopes the same enthusiasm can be immediately directed to achieve appropriate and much needed change to the distribution of wealth in our domestic leagues, and we will work with all parties to push for this reform.

“By resetting economically, we can support all Clubs in achieving a sustainable future, promoting the principles that so many have fought for.

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“Reforms must also consider UEFA’s own Champions League restructuring which pose an existential threat to our competitions, including the League Cup, which provides vital income to EFL Clubs and is the breeding ground for stars of the future.

“The EFL will embrace the Government’s fan-led review and confirm we will contribute fully to help shape any decisions taken and ensure they are made in the best interests of supporters and the Clubs that we represent.”

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