Neil Warnock lifts lid on talks with Steve Gibson and reveals his Middlesbrough transfer plans

Neil Warnock has extended his stay in charge at Middlesbrough.Neil Warnock has extended his stay in charge at Middlesbrough.
Neil Warnock has extended his stay in charge at Middlesbrough.
Neil Warnock is looking to reshape his Middlesbrough squad and admits the club needs ‘quite a large influx of players’ after he was confirmed as Boro boss for next season.

Warnock held lengthy talks with Boro owner Steve Gibson last Thursday after successfully steering the club to Championship safety.

And with his future now confirmed, Warnock is looking to put his stamp on the Boro squad to ensure they don’t have another poor season and become embroiled in a relegation battle again.

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Reflecting on his meeting with Gibson, Warnock said: “Steve asked me for a true appraisal of everything and that’s what I did.

“He was very helpful, he wants to improve the things I want improving and take the club forward.

“He’s always supportive of his managers isn’t he. I probably should have worked for him 20 years ago, 15, 10, five - but it is how it is and I’m going to enjoy it.

“I must have retired about five times now, but there’s always something that’s brought me back, a challenge, helping somebody out, and this is a similar situation.”

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Reshaping the squad is now high on his ‘to-do list’ – once he’s enjoyed a short family break.

Warnock added: “It won’t be easy, we need quite a large influx of players and I’ll be doing my best over the next few weeks to get the right ones.

“Neil Bausor is helping as well, we’re all singing from the same hymn sheet really in terms of improving the squad. There might have to be sales as well but you don’t know what’s around the corner regarding that.

“It’s important that it’s a lot more structured squad than it has been and there are more options, especially defensive wise.

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“We’re trying to change the squad around, and we need a bit of luck because you need the new lads to settle quickly.

“Some do, some don’t, but some of the players I’m trying to sign have been there and done it all, I want one or two down that spine who can change the mentality.”

Warnock took charge of the final eight games of the season over a busy four-week period, steering the club to safety with four wins away from home in the Championship. The veteran manager replaced Jonathan Woodgate in the dugout at the Riverside.

He added: “I must admit I need a few days! It’s been non-stop really.

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“It seems like about four years, let alone four weeks. But it has been enjoyable, the people have welcomed me, the players have given me everything and I’ve had a great response from them.

“That’s all I could ask for, and it was great to get the wins. We’ve not done it at home yet but hopefully when the fans come back we can start performing at home as well and have a real good go."

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