'Right thing to do': Middlesbrough fans react to club's latest ticket statement

Riverside Stadium.Riverside Stadium.
Riverside Stadium.
Middlesbrough have extended their early bird season card deadline until further notice – with fans quick to praise the club’s decision.

Boro had frozen season ticket prices until April 9 ahead for the 2020/21 campaign, yet the uncertainty of COVID-19 has altered their plans.

No professional football in England will be played until at least April 30, and it remains unclear when next season will begin.

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The club released a statement on Wednesday confirming the early bird extension.

Here’s how some fans reacted to the news on social media:

@HazelClay: Thank you. Right thing to do

@sturnbull6: Correct decision and done without VAR.

@AnthonyBraithw7: All sports ground will be full after the horrible time has passed, even with our poor season missing it so much. UTB

@ladyworthi: I will be renewing.

@Gazquig: Well done boro

@stevo3913: Correct decision

@Sarah_R_28: Thank you